
Stitching Photo Mosaics - Part A

Taking Images

Here are the images that I used in this project for the mosaics.

Soda Breezeway 1 Soda Breezeway 2
Souvenir Coffee 1 Souvenir Coffee 2
My Kitchen 1 My Kitchen 2

Recover Homographies

First, I defined my correspondence points between pairs of images. For example, here are my correspondences for the Souvenir images.

Souvenir Coffee 1 Correspondences Souvenir Coffee 2 Correspondences

Let the points in the source image (the first image) be $(x_{i}, y_{i})$ and the corresponding points in the target image be $(x’{i}, y’{i})$. We want the following 3x3 transformation matrix.

\[\begin{bmatrix} a & b & c \\ d & e & f \\ g & h & i \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} x \\ y \\ 1 \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} wx' \\ wy; \\ w \end{bmatrix}\]

We can then expand this to solve the system of equations: \(\begin{cases} ax + by + c = wx' \\ dx + ey + f = wy' \\ gx + hy + 1 = w \end{cases}\)

This eventually simplifies to: \(\begin{cases} ax + by + c - gxx' - hyx' = x' \\ dx + ey + f - gxy' - hyy' = y' \\ \end{cases}\)

We can finally solve for $x’$ and $y’$ using least squares. Since we have an overconstrained system, we can just stack all the corresponding points in the matrix and constant vector. We have the following equation:

\[\begin{bmatrix} x & y & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & -xx' & -yx' \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & x & y & 1 & -xy' & -yy' \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} a \\ b \\ c \\ d \\ e \\ f \\ g \\ h \\ \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} x' \\ y' \\ \end{bmatrix}\]

Warp the Images

The goal is to warp or project im1 onto im2. We can wrp the source image’s points and align them with the correspondence points in the target image. The calculations above were to get the estimated homography matrix H. I calculated H based on im1_points to im2_points. I computed the bounding box of the final image size by taking the 4 corners of im1. I then homogenized the coordinates into a 4x3 matrix so we can warp the bounding box by multiplying it with the transpose of H. By utilizing skimage.draw.polygon, similar to the method used in Project 3, I got the points that are within the bounding box. This polygon is where the final image will be placed. I then interpolated the pixel values in the warped image.

Image Rectification

Using the warping function from before, we can rectify images that contain a rectangle shape. I picked 4 points for the corners in the image that represent the rectangular object. Then, we compute the homography between those selected points and a rectangle of a hardcoded size, like [(100, 100), (250, 100), (100, 350), (250, 350)]. This allows us to warp the rectangular object so it faces the camera. If the object is isolated by cropping out the warped background, we can see that it is now a rectangle.

Original Image Image After Rectification

Blend the images into a mosaic

To generate the mosaic, I defined the corners of both input images and warped the corners of im1 using H. I then computed the bounding box for both images. I then calculated my new image dimensions based on the difference between the maximum and minimum x and y coordinates. I created a translation matrix to shift the image into a positive coordinate space. I then warped both images to the new dimensions using the translation matrix (where im1 was warped by translation_matrix @ H). Naively, I took the maximum pixel value at a point to combine the two images into the final unblended mosaic.

Here are warped images and unblended mosaics (below all warped images) for my 3 examples.

Warped Image 1 Warped Image 2

Two-Band Blending

I used two-band blending with a distance transform mask to blend my images together. I generated the distance transform mask for both my images using scipy.ndimage.distance_transform_edt to find the Euclidean distance to the nearest edge, which was then normalized. Similar to the approach taken in Project 2, I found the low and high frequencies of each image. To get the low frequency image, I used a blurring Gaussian low-pass filter with kernel_size=7 and sigma=2. I combined the two low-frequency images by doing (lowPass1*mask1 + lowPass2*mask2) / (mask1 + mask2 + 1e-8) wherever either mask was nonzero. Adding 1e-8 prevented division by 0 but still ensured a very small pixel value. The high frequency image was obtained by subtracting the original image by the low frequency image. To merge the high frequency images, I selected the corresponding pixels based on the greater value in the mask. For the final blended mosaic, I added the two blends together.

Here are the blended mosaics (using two-band blending) for my 3 examples. The original images for the mosaics can be found at the top of the website, and the warped images and unblended mosaics are above.

Here is an example mask image from a warped kitchen image.

Warped Image Distance Transform Mask

Laplacian Blending

I also tried using the Gaussian and Laplacian stacks from Project 2 in order to blend the two images in my mosaics together. I used 5 levels with kernel_size=12 and sigma=2. The exception was for the mask’s Gaussian stack, where I used a kernel size=60 for extra blending. Otherwise, there was a harsher line where my mask was. Here is an example that compares the kitchen mosaic using two-band blending and Laplacian blending.

Using Laplacian Stacks Using Two-Band Blending

Here is the mask I used for Laplacian blending. I created binary masks for both images where the pixel in the image was greater than 0. Then, I used distance_transform_edt on both masks. I combined the two masks by seeing where the mask after the distance transform for im1 was greater than the transform mask for im2.

I prefer my two-band blending output, so I chose to use that for all of my final mosaics.

Reflection - Part A

It was interesting to see how we had to translate the images to fit within the bounding box and how we could use matrix multiplication to apply both the homography and translation to an image. It was also cool to apply aspects of Project 2, like the low/high pass filters and Laplacian pyramids, to blend the mosaic images together.

Feature Matching for Autostitching - Part B

Harris Interest Point Detector

To find the interest points, we want to focus on the corners of the image. Using the Harris interest point detector provided, we can find the “peaks” in the matrix and use them as corners. Displayed below are the top 300 points found by the Harris detector, along with the Harris matrix for the first kitchen image.

Top 300 Harris Points Harris Matrix

Adaptive Non-Maximal Suppression (ANMS)

ANMS resolves the issue of the selected points being too close together/clustered, as we can see in the top Harris points image above. ANMS allows us to identify the strongest corners from the image, but we can distribute the points across the image for better feature matching later on. We use the dist2() function provided to find pairwise distances between points. Then, we create a mask based on c_robust to ensure that (1) we keep corners that are both sufficiently spread out and (2) also have strong enough scores relative to each other. We sort the corners in decreasing order of radii size, with any points from before that did not satisfy our mask condition being set to infinity. After this minimization, we use these indices to sort the original list of corners passed in and return the top num_corners.

All Corners ANMS Corners

Feature Descriptor Extraction

For each corner found by ANMS, we find a 40x40 pixel region around the point found. We then resize it to an 8x8 patch and normalize it by subtracting the mean and dividing by the standard deviation. We flatten the 8x8 region and stack it into an Nx192 matrix (where each array flattened has length 64, multiplied by 3 due to the color channels) of flattened feature descriptors. We repeat this for both images.

Here are some example 8x8 feature descriptor patches found:

Feature Matching

We have a set of features for both images from the previous part. Now, we need to match the features from each image together. First, we calculate the pairwise differences between each (flattened) feature descriptor. We find the sum of squared differences over the last dimension. We find the nearest-neighbor distances by sorting the SSD found before. We use Lowe’s technique in order to minimize outliers. I used a Lowe’s threshold of 0.5, which means that the nearest neighbor should be a significantly better match than the second-nearest neighbor. The matched points are shown below.

Here are some of the matches between feature descriptors.

Here are the following matching correspondences, which I got by indexing into the original detected corners.

Threshold = 0.5 Threshold = 0.8


RANSAC is used to increase least-squares’ robustness when computing the homography. The input points are the ANMS-determined points, where the matches are then filtered from Lowe’s method before. We randomly sample 4 pairs of points and compute the homographies. We track the inliers, which are points that land within a given threshold. At each iteration of the algorithm, we see if there are more inliers than the previous best homography computed. If so, we update our best points accoridngly. This helps us minimize outliers. I used a threshold of 0.8 and 2500 iterations for my RANSAC algorithm. Below are the points matched by RANSAC for the first and second kitchen images.


Here are the results of using RANSAC and automatic feature matching on the images from before. I similarly provided the warped images, unblended mosaics, and the two-band blended mosaics. I compare the mosaics created with manual correspondences from Part A and the mosaics created with automatic correspondences.

Warped Image 1 Warped Image 2

Manual Correspondences Automatic Correspondences

Reflection - Part B

It was really interesting to see how the automatic correspondences were more precise than my manual ones. There were small features that didn’t align in my mosaics since I was slightly off, but there were resolved during Part B. The coolest part of this project is being able to plot the automatic correspondences side-by-side after each step to see how they improved and how outliers were minimized. As mentioned in Part A, it was interesting to see how we could use matrix multiplication to apply both the homography and translation to an image. It was also cool to apply the low/high pass filters and Laplacian pyramids to blend the mosaic images together.