
Face Morphing

Part 1. Defining Correspondences

I used this correspondence tool from a previous semester’s student to find corresponding points between my two faces. I loaded in the points from the resulting JSON file and used scipy.spatial.Delaunay to produce tri for both images. Then I used plt.triplot on tri.simplices to view the resulting triangles.

Input Images Correspondences Triangulation

Part 2. Computing the “Mid-way Face”

To create the midway image, I needed both images and their correspondence points, along with the warp amount and dissolve amount. The warp and dissolve amounts are both 0.5 for this part of the project. I computed the midway points by doing (1.0 - warp_amt) * im1_points + warp_amt * im2_points. Then, I computed the Delunay triangles. For each of the N corresponding triangles for both images, I computed the affine transformation for each and solved for the 6 unknowns.

Then, I used skimage.draw.polygon to find all the points that were within the triangle. I multiplied these coordinates by the inverse affine matrix. I also clipped the resulting x and y values to ensure that they remained within the image. I didn’t select many correpondence points below shoulder level, so this explains why the midway face there is more overlapped.

Input Image 1 (Kavya) Input Image 2 (Ramya) Midway Face

Part 3. The Morph Sequence

As per the instructions, I computed a morph sequence with 45 frames (with 0 fully being image 1 and 45 fully being image 2). Each frame’s duration is around 1/30th of a second. The warp amount and dissolve amount is determined by i / x, where i is the current frame number and x is the number of frames.

I also computed another morph sequence where I used 100 frames, with each having a duration of 1/20th of a second.

Part 4. The “Mean face” of a population

I used the FEI Face Database as my dataset. I downloaded the points from frontalshapes_manuallyannotated_46points and the datasets from frontalimages_spatiallynormalized. I combined both folders (parts 1 and 2) into one final folder. To generate the average correspondence points of the population, I averaged the coordinate values. The images marked with an a had a neutral expression, while the images marked with a b had a happy/smiling expression. Thus, I generated two mean images so we could have separate ones per expression. For the mean population image, I used the points from each image and the average image to create the warped image. I used a warp amount of 0.5 and a dissolve amount of 0.

Here are some images (both neutral and happy) from the dataset that were warped to fit the average face shape.

Original Neutral Image Warped Neutral Image Original Happy Image Warped Happy Image

Here are the images of the mean faces, as well as me warped into the mean face shape and vice versa.

Mean Face Neutral Mean Face Happy
Mean Face Neutral -> Ramya Ramya -> Mean Face Neutral

Part 5. Caricatures: Extrapolating from the mean

To generate the caricature, I changed the warp amount to no longer be in between 0 and 1. The warp amount is factored into the midpoints as such: (1.0 - warp_amt) * im1_points + warp_amt * im2_points. I warped my face based on the neutral mean image. I got the following results with larger warp values:

Warp Amount = 1.5 Warp Amount = 2

Two noticeable differences are that my eyes are larger/further apart, and my chin is smaller.

Bells and Whistles

Changing Gender

I chose an image of an average Indian man that I found online to try and change my gender.

Me Average Indian Man
Change Appearance Change Shape Change Shape + Appearance